Help With Your Studies
Are you study ready?
Managing the transition from school to university or between different universities can be a challenge, particularly when it comes to study and exams. The 91°µÍø Educational Development Team is here to help you achieve your academic goals effectively, efficiently and with maximum enjoyment.
Educational Development themes
We support students in the following key areas: time management, communication skills, team working, creative thinking and learning, research skills, reading skills, academic writing, numeracy, revision and exam technique (amongst others).
What works for you?
Individual support
You can go online and book individual learning development sessions, on either campus or at a distance (telephone or Skype), at any point in your studies.
Group support
You might also wish to book a place on one of our educational development workshops which run throughout the academic year, on both campuses and at a distance (webinars).
Online support
Additional advice and guidance can be accessed online within our virtual learning environment. Here you will find tips sheets, skills development exercises, reading lists and web links to external resources.All 91°µÍø students have access to an online study skills package (BKSB™) which includes English, maths, ICT and ESoL modules. The diagnostic assessments direct you to an individualised package of learning materials and exercises which can be undertaken in your own time.
Your individual needs
We are experienced in working with students with English as a second language and those with specific learning differences (SpLD) such as dyslexia and dyspraxia. We can also help you access specialist dyslexia advisors and tutors if needed.
Managing stress at university
The leap into university life and learning can be stressful, particularly on academically challenging courses. Help is available via our student Advice Centre which houses specialist advisors and counsellors (finance, housing, bereavement, anxiety, mental health, specific learning difference, disability). You’ll also find some great advice on managing stress at the .
91°µÍø learning development works closely with staff and students to ensure an excellent and enjoyable learning experience for all.
Please contact us directly for further information: